In a thrilling conclusion to their disappointing season, the Chicago Bears showcased an impressive special teams play, defeating their rivals, the Green Bay Packers, in Week 18. The Bears opened the scoring with a spectacular 94-yard punt return touchdown orchestrated by Josh Blackwell, who took advantage of a well-executed misdirection. As the Packers punter, Daniel Whelan, kicked from the Chicago 44-yard line, the Bears’ punt return team feigned a fair catch, distracting Green Bay's coverage unit.
Blackwell capitalized on the confusion, fielding the punt inside the 10-yard line with no coverage nearby. He sprinted down the left sideline for the touchdown, marking the first of his career. Despite having nothing at stake for themselves due to a 4-12 record, the Bears were motivated by the opportunity to spoil the Packers' playoff hopes, adding an unexpected twist to the rivalry.