In this festive episode of 'New Heights', hosted by Travis and Jason Kelce, along with special guest Kylie Kelce, the trio engages in a lively discussion about beloved holiday films. They dive into their contrasting opinions on 'Love Actually', with Travis passionately defending its charm while Jason critiques its representation of romance and family values, labeling it as one of the worst Christmas films he's ever seen. They also reflect on the film's intertwined narratives, particularly focusing on the storyline of a widowed father and his son, which resonates as a highlight amid the film's questionable morals.
The conversation transitions to a 'Blind Ranking' game where they rank classic Christmas movies. As they navigate through favorites like 'Christmas Vacation' and 'Elf', hilarity ensues as disagreements arise over which films deserve top spots. The Kelce family dynamics shine through their banter, showcasing their competitive sides, particularly when discussing gift-giving strategies and holiday plans.